Friday, October 23, 2009

9 Days left...So long tasty food

Full taper mode now in anticipation of my upcoming race. As such, I went out with a bang tonite and had some great vegan thai food and lots of raw papaya salad. This was an awesome meal and I'm sure I overate a bit. No worries, it'll be all gone tomorrow in a matter of me on this =)

As I said in an earlier post, it's the anti-atkins diet [carb crazy] where I'll be taking a lot of liquid meals and lots of oatmeal and brown rice pasta. It'll be an in moderation of course as gorging is not allowed [shucks!]. Got that all out of my system today, rest assured.

Hopefully, I'll have some goodies this week sent in from sponsors that I can post to you. I'm expecting 4 packages so we'll see what we get! Can't wait to get back home and be with family, friends and among familiar faces. The Bay Area is a wonderful place and I'm looking forward to relocating soon [hint hint].

No diet log today as I was a shameful vegan, getting every last ounce of goodness today before I get so sick of oatmeal =)
Good night you all...if you wake up with the munchies, turn on some Chappelle's show and nosh on a banana.

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