Monday, May 31, 2010

Blogging from Mililani Mauka

Vacation. Vacay. Vac.A.Tion. Alex-time. Whatever you want to call's wonderful to be in Hawaii, coming to you live from Mililani, a quiet Hawaiian town and literally, a spec in the middle of the ocean. But within spec, some of my closest friends reside and as I write this, I'm at a friends house now punching keys, drinking a 'lychee martini*'

*this martini is not a 'true' martini. it's all vodka and some fruit inside of it. harsh.

Anyways, it's memorial day weekend and I'm contemplating getting an iPad. I went into the apple store, put my hands on one, logged onto my blog and said 'hot diggity damn'. Then I did the whole thing and was hooked. It's essentially a big boy's iPhone sans the phone. Sigh...then again, you CAN read books on it and I just picked Super Freakonomics v2.0. =) I've been enjoying my time here on the islands and to think, more tomfoolery is yet to come. Scary? Possible? That's what she said. =)

Normally, I would go on and on and ramble about nothingness but I've got to bake some vegan pizzas so I'll leave you now before the oven gets to 400 degrees.
Good eating -



  1. 1. that dog looks awesome. i love dogs.
    2. what do you think of the allegations that Fabian's been using some kind of secret 'motorized' bike, hahaha?

  2. Yo dude!

    1) Yea the dog is very nice and friendly. Big fan of this dog. If he was on facebook and had a fan page...hmmmm...

    2) Well he's gotta be on something! No, I highly doubt it...that guy is just a freak of nature. He was born to be on the bike. Quite possibly, the best rider of our generation.
