Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EuroTrashin' Part Due [pronounced "Doo-eh"]

Heheh, you know I had to come real sick with it on my faux hawk! Look at that gorgeous and stunning mark of hair-cutting by my barber. I told her what I wanted and she replied: "boy, when I'm through with you, you're going to look like a Croatian kid with too much time and too much trance music". Okay, she didn't really say that but she did say that it was a popular haircut among football players [football = soccer. Not that other shit....]. But you get the idea right!

Responses to the new faux hawk?
K.Tagaya - "trashtastic!"
C.Jenkins - "fantastic. bravo!"
M.Chua - "Awesome! Euro Trash Alex v2.0"
GQ Magazine - "Stunning. The modern man..."
Vanity Fair - "Alex is so amazing that when he goes to museums, he gets to touch the art"
Vogue - "It's obvious why Lady GaGa made the Alejandro song."
Vanity Fair [in response to Vogue] - "Now we know what she meant by 'Hot like Mexico'."
D.Cunego - "akeirjeakhnfekhkfnedmjkjekrj d 420 watts akjdkfjdkjd"
roughly translated from Itlaian: 'Alessandro! now you can push 420 watts! when I got a faux hawk that's what I was able to do! ciao!"

yea......about that 420 watt increase..... :-/

1 comment:

  1. ...It's so hard to convey sarcasm in writing... I think I meant to write... "Awesome!" Euro Trash Alex v2.0! :)

    See you at Lunch Friday (someone's got to make sure you eat something),
    M. Chua (the M stands for Magnificent Meat'asaurus)
