Never one to pass up the opportunity to show off my sun-kissed tanned self, I figured now would be a good time to 'flaunt and strut my stuff' now that I'm living Californication.
Yesterday I had my first 'decent' ride since I got sick...2 hours total but it was good, love jacking my watts up and nice to know the fitness isn't all lost.
Anyways, the first two photos are 'pre-tomfoolery'. You'll see my legs [of course, a daily fixture on this blog], my trusty organic athlete coconut fiber socks and and me consuming a pre-ride chocolate weegan clif bar. Chocolate - in my opinion - is the best flavor. I dont mess around with other flavors because they're just not baller enough to me :) However, Bluberry Crip isn't that bad. But let's face it....between us girls, noone, and I mean, NOONE better lay a finger on my LaraBar cashew cookie.
The second is of after the ride, I was torched as it's the first time in a while I have ridden Evelyn longer than one hour [my shit is quick fast.......3 minutes! That's a heavy weight bout...hahah, some of you knwo this inside joke]. First pic is one of me that my mom calls 'less than flattering'. The second one is legs [again]. Just look at those tan lines. And that, was only after 2 hours. Can you imagine how gross it'll be tomorrow after a long, long training ride. The word that comes to mind is: epic.
Have a good weekend everyone! I'll try and blog about more silliness this weekend. Capping off with me eating my way through my vitamin C gummi bears. Can you have too much vitamin C? We'll know more after these messages from our local sponsors. Weather at 11.
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