Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Alex, what's a GREEN SMOOTHIE?!"

So a lot of you have been curious as to my liquid meals. Yep, they are liquid meals no doubt but I have attached a photograph of what I put in my smoothies. This makes 4+ 8 oz. glasses of smoothie which is more than enough to keep me satiated. TRUST ME. In short, a green smoothie is a combination of fruit, greens and water.

So let me describe what's in this diabolical drink. We've got:
3 bananas
1 pear
1 mango
1 papaya
1/2 cup of blueberries
Flaxseed & Dulse
Cinnamon...because that's how I roll. Blend that together with a bunch of ice and water and you've got a killer smoothie.

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