Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tsunami Watch 2k10 [Cont'd]

As if one tsunami watch wasn't enough, here's the rest of tsunami watch 2k10 as written by Condeleeza McSqueeza himself, Mike C. Man, that guy is doofy.
11:45am - Alex, now emaciated from lack of food....oh wait, that's normal! Grunts as he climbs up on a poolside table. Since he's turned sideways, I can barely see him. A shudder of fear overcomes me at the thought that the slight gust of wind perchance might sweep my friend and host from his precarious pool-side perch. I take a picture to capture his tsnuami watch stance. I snap a second photo [see previous blog post, Alex with green short shorts] as the first one turned out to be ummm....taken at a poor angle. I now know who the song "who wears the short shorts" is referring to.....shudder.
ALEX'S RESPONSE: You douchebag.

12:05pm a.k.a. almost an hour past when the tsunami was supposed to happen, the live twitter feed is overflowing with reports that the tsunami has just reached the big island. I watch the waves in the distance....They are starting to look a little choppy. The streets are nearly deserted. Alex continues to complain about how hungry he is....he's nearly on the verge of tears that subway is closed from the evacuation.
12:15pm - I wonder if I managed to miss the tsunami. No destruction. No power outages. No epic walls of water washing its way down Waikiki. I am seriously underwhelmed. I feel bad the second time for not realizing that I was actually looking forward to something catastrophic. I mean....I didn't want anyone hurt. I certainly didn't want people to have to go through the trouble dealing with the damage such a wave would cause; but, I thought that there would at least be SOMETHING. I was worried about a 13 ft wave traveling 500 mph; we got a 1.5 inch wave that might have stirred some fish around. In this case, the motion of that ocean didn't thrill me. I'm glad.
ALEX'S NOTE: Is that a song?

1pm - We exit the building. Alex needs food, as I've so often told him.
ALEX'S NOTE: See first note.
I ponder the annoyance of the loud tsunami warning sirens that punctuated my morning and kept me off the beach. I decide that it's better safe than sorry. Everyone is complaining about the evacuation on the radio, but hindsight is 20:20. Nobody would be laughing if that wave actually hit us....and that woman on the radio would not have been so sorry to miss her Starbucks.

Stay tuned, the epic finale of Hawaii Part 4 up next. Until then, good night Canada, let's toss it back up to Sportscenter.

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