Monday, August 2, 2010

So What's all this big news anyways?!

dang! She has bigger arms than me!
As promised [like a week ago! ahem!], I have some big news to deliver. Not big like godzilla-goes-to-Tokyo big but certainly enough for me to take not and blog about. You're probably thinking 'Ill bet it's cuz that man has nothing better to do in his life!?' You're not far from the truth but that's a completely seperate story you smart-ass. :-)

I'd like to take this blog post and tell you that for my triathlon endeavor, I've decided to hire a triathlon coach that a) has actually done a few triathlons, b) coaches the USA National Team @ the Boulder training center in CO and c) has even won a few MAJOR MAJOR triathlon cups herself! [there are too many wins to list so this is the first that shows up on]. She practically won every single World ITU race there is...TWICE. Her name is Melissa Mantak and she'll be in charge of training me for my first every Olympic Triathlon [only 2 months away! gasp!] and eventually, the undeniable hell that can be summed up with a few simple numbers: 70.3

Now why on earth would she do a silly thing like take up a [vegan] [buddhist] [doofus] athlete like me? Well, I guess people have their reasons....just like how I have mine for splurging at the Hot Food bar yesterday at Whole Foods. Suffice it to say that I've consumed my fair share of hummus and veggie sticks for the free world. Difficult job, yes...but someone [vegan, preferably] has to do it and I figured I might as well! So today is Monday and that's when our 'coaching contract' kicks in. Translation = if you thought pain, suffering and misery were commonplace now...welcome to undeniable amounts of hurt.

You'll all be proud of me too! This weekend I was able to clock some serious laps in the pool! Not yet ready to take on open water...that will come with time I'm sure but this was a start. But arms hurt! Those swimmers are absolutely crazy!!!! One thing that sucks about swimming in a pool or even in open's boring as all hell. There are times where I was on my 9th consecutive lap and I'm thinking 'holy hell, I must be clocking in the time!'. After my 10th lap I realize only 7 mins 26 seconds have elapsed. Fk me...and I'm supposed to swim for an ENTIRE MILE!!!!! Oh HEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL no! :-) Just get me to T1 [transition to the bike] and I'll be okay.

This weekend was especially vicious on the body. Brick training galore [this is when you done one thing after the other...until you're dead!]. I swam a jillion laps, then hopped on the bike and proceeded to kill myself with 16 x 1 minute all out intervals [1 min rest in between] and then...just when you thought the legs couldn't take it anymore, 7 miles running to top it all off - oh yea, the pace was sub-6. Hay-sus Maria..that's ALMOST where it needs to be. Hahah I remember passing this pair of runners and as I passed I heard one of them say 'Jesus....'. I turned around and said 'close...but it's actually Alejandro.'

...okay no, I didn't say that but I was thinking it!!!!! :-)
So there...big news. Alex gets a [serious] coach. Whew.

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