Sunday, June 6, 2010

So I splurged...

Keith Nishimoto...tuning Madeline...rather, touching her buttons ;-)

Even when stopped, she looks fast.

...caved it, collapsed, folded like a cheap tent..whatever the hell you wanna call it. I bought an iPad. It's definitely a sexy toy and I can see its usefulness in areas such as medicine and IT. However, for the time crunched-weegan-cyclist? Not so much...

That goes without saying I dont like it. It's an amazing machine. Literally, a computer in your hand. I love the book reader thing as I enjoy my eBooks like the next guy and the app is pretty killer too. Outside that, the screen is pretty much the best thing on here. Think of it like an iPhone on EPO and you'll get the idea. In fact, this entire post is written with my iPad; no wonder the damn thing takes over 20 mins to type such a simple post complete with [more] sexy pics of Madeline. =)
Anyways, got back from Hawaii and was greeted with wonderful, warm, California weather. Interestingly, it was at that time I heard of Katy Perry's new single: California Girls. The part with Snoop I could probably do without, outside that, it's a catchy song and believe it or not, it even made it to the iPod. Yikes...TMI?


  1. I call my bike, "Treksie:" cheap, durable, and easy to ride.

  2. Oh, oh! And, I bought Treksie a nice rack.

  3. Oh are a silly one.
    Why Treksie? If you wanted, cheap, durable and easy to ride I would have said JULIE*

