Depending on where you live, you're experiencing something called Winter. In Hawaii, this means the weather plunges to 65-70 degrees F. On the east coast of America, this means you're stranded in a hotel room waiting to get on an aiprlane. In Belgium, it probably means you're getting ready to ride some cyclocross race but - in California - it means VERY COLD [my vegan thin blood can't stand it!] and RAIN. Two enemies of every cyclist I know along with: leg hair stubble and flat tires.
The way I see it, it's a great time to justify buying hundreds - if not BILLIONS - of dollars worth of cycling apparel from Rapha and Assos. Problem-o with this is two-fold:
1) I can't afford Rapha and Assos on my statistician salary. No lie.
2) Ms. Denise would murder me for even trying to justify the expense (!!). She wathces the show True Blood for christ sake! A story about blood-sucking vampires disguised as humans! Hmmm....
Having said all that, I've been getting on my bike with decent frequency although the training has been rather lack-luster. Part of the problem is it's difficult to psych myself up when it's raining and cold outside. Then again, my past experiences with dealing with poor weather have ended up poorly when I decide to stay indoors [food, beer = college = 192 lbs. Yea, let's not go there again shall we]. So I've been getting intouch with my inner masochist and putting Cat 6 wattage out there in anticipation of racing and overall tomfoolery regarding all things cycling or as I like to say: "Bi-cling" [bicycle + cycling]. Sigh...
But, like all things in life, there's a catch 22. When it's ass cold outside, if you go slow, you stay cold longer. If you ride fast you get coldER [wind chill + freezing hands + knee warmers!]. In short: you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. I say to you in the words of my Italian grandfather [holding arms out]: "Ba-ba-da-boo-pee? Bo-ba-dee-ba-pee!"
[youtube: family guy peter italian].