The final episode in the chilling and epic trilogy known as Triathlon Hell.
---* Some 2 hours later running, swimming and biking
I cross the finish line tired, hungry and my left foot bleeding [running sockless = bad idea]. My first few thoughts after crossing the finish lines:
1) That wasn't so bad...
2) I could have gone much much faster at certain parts...
3) Where's the water?
4) Where's my family?
5) Where are the bananas?
6) Can we go for vegan burritos soon?
Thankfully, water, gatorade and bananas were bountiful at the finish line and I was more than happy to partake in the gluttony. Ms. Denise and the familia were present and I was happy to see a friendly face. I sat down shortly after I crossed the line and couldn't get up for the life of ass hurt and my shoulders were begging for rest. After taking some celebratory pics, we hopped in the car and went to Cafe Saturn where I ate and drank: 2 cane-sugar sweetened large sodas, 6 tacquitos [vegan], 1 vegan breakfast burrito, part of Denise's salad, part of my mom's salad and then part of my Dad's salad as I didn't want to forget anybody~! :-)
During the drive back, I passed out in the car, mouth open and drooling...almost as if I was cycling! After more calories and 8 hours of sleep I woke up and realized I wasn't that sore and that I could do that again. But the burning question is: do I want to do it again?
And therein lies the rub. I had to ask myself: Do I really love the sport? Do I have the potential to be great in it? What's my time frame? What's realistic? How fast can my swim pick up? Will I sacrifice in other sports to get better at the former? And really...the more and I more I asked myself and of myself the more I realized that which I already knew:
1) I hate swimming. I don't like it and I have no desire to do it.
2) I LOVE to cycle. I LIKE to race my bike [don't do it enough to develop a love yet...]
3) I LIKE to run and I KNOW I am good at it.
Having said that, I think I'm going to give up my tri ambitions - very happy I did one to know this! - and will take up running and cycling. At least this was my train of thought until I came to know the job duties of a DBA...
More on that later :-)
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