Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Watt-fest Tuesdays

Thusfar, Tuesdays for me have been triathlon-Tuesdays.
Not a full triathlon but a day where I will complete swimming, cycling and running...just not all at once.

Unfortunately for me though, the day got off to a rough start.
Woke up and realized I forgot my wallet [last time that happened I was in middle school]. FAIL
At the pool I realized I forgot my goggles AND swimming cap. Double FAIL.
Then, like an absolute dipshit, I try and swim in the water. Triple FAIL.

All those failures makes it seem like a Raider game huh? Except not this past Sunday..because the Raiders won a game!!!

Yes, yes, for all that don't know, I follow Raider football like I follow cycling: with enormous passion and an inclination to check all things Raiders and all things cycling [thank you, and].

After my terrible terrible attempt to swim intervals, I drowned my misery in some hearty oatmeal topped with agave syrup 2 whole bananas and some raw vegan chocolate 'raw-nola'. Gimmie two bowls of that and suddenly the war in Afghanistan looks remotely positive. With a full stomach, quality trance music playing on the iPhone, Tuesday workday passed by and I suddenly found myself mounting Madeline [that's my bike's name! sheesh!] getting ready to throw down the intervals. Mind you, I'm racing on Sunday so this was to simply open the legs up a bit - however, it turned into so much more. I realized my Zone 4 power threshold has gone up, Zone 3 tempo is in the 300s and all in all, I think I'm actually LOSING weight [bib shorts are a little loose...]. My last 3 x 3 minute intervals were awful. I felt I was dying a slow death which wasn't fun and after all that nonsense I went running for a nice 20 minute 'jog'. Whew.

Getting cooler and darker here in the Bay Area. Right about now....sure wish I was back on the islands of Hawaii. Oh wait! I will be!

More to come on that later.... :-)

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